[Tech1] Nest box live

Bernard Newnham bernie833 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 14 08:05:51 CDT 2018

This is the outside of the box. On the right hand side is a piece of 
gaffer tape covering the hole for the second camera.  That turned out to 
be a bit ambitious, as USB cameras tend to have the same address, or 
something like that.  Didn't work well, whatever.

The sticks are wisteria, which will be first purple and then very green 
long before the chicks depart  - always assuming they get that far. It 
doesn't always work out - we've had nine fledglings leaving one year, 
and five abandoned babies another.

It's all much smaller than it seems on the camera. Eggs are 1.6cm, 5/8" 
long. The hole in the box is about 4cm - maybe less, I don't want to go 
and measure at this point.

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