[Tech1] Burglars

Steve Edwards s.k.edwards at btinternet.com
Sun Apr 8 18:18:07 CDT 2018


Taller fences aren’t necessarily the reason why your neighbour’s house was burgled -there can be a number of factors here. 

I can recall many burglaries in broad daylight where houses have been targeted where they are on open-plan housing estates in full view of the Neighbourhood watch schemes! 

I know a couple in their 80s who were burgled at night:- While they were watching television one end of the house the burglars were ransacking the opposite end. 
That involved four burglers in their 20s all wearing black hoodies and scarves in a stolen new car with cloned number plates - career criminals. They even walked into the room where the occupants were sitting MF and asked if “they had seen their kitten” whilst they were searching for money in the same room. 

There are foreign gangs carrying out spree burglaries in addition to those gangs with ‘Irish accents’ now that there’s less police about they are taking more chances and getting away with it. 

You probably appreciate that with this level of cheek in addition to the regular smack-heads and opportunist thieves, the height of our fences does not prevent our houses from being targeted. (Being careful here not to tempt fate) 


> On 8 Apr 2018, at 23:43, dave.mdv via Tech1 <tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk> wrote:
> My neighbours have just been burgled between 1615 and 1700 on Friday afternoon. I could have helped the police but my neighbours had changed the medium height fences to tall ones while we were away on holiday and they had complained about me being able to see into their driveway so my wife spent a load of money putting net curtains in every window! So they lost £4000 and a load of jewels! How sad! Cheers, Dave
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