[Tech1] Dancing cameras etc.

patrickheigham patheigham at amps.net
Tue Apr 3 12:16:04 CDT 2018

Worked for me - very funny!
Must have taken a few hours to animate.
But why the Ampex clock for ATV at the end of the clip?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bernard Newnham via Tech1 
  To: tech1 at tech-ops.co.uk 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2018 5:43 PM
  Subject: [Tech1] Dancing cameras etc.

  Thank to all who reported a 404 error. At least we know the list is working ok. 

  For a while at least, each time you post the list will send an acknowledgement.

  I can't work out why we can't see our own messages, as I've ticked that box. I'm investigating Dada Mail, which is much more up to date than Mailman. If you have any experience with it, please let me know.

  Now - Roger's video.   It turns out that Facebook doesn't want you to rip videos from private groups. Not surprising really. But this particular video is BBC copyright, and as a special interest group, I thought we deserved to see.  OBS Studio is not only free, it's very good once you get it going. You can record the screen or any part of it.  Having - after four tries - got the stuff on a drive here, it needed a bit of processing through Premiere. Then I uploaded it the tech-ops.co.uk and sent out a link.  It seems that no-one but me can see it. I tried encasing it in an HTML5 webpage, but that doesn't work either. So now it's an unlisted YouTube on an unlisted Wordpress page.  It works for me. Let me know if it doesn't work for you - 


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